

hello world!

and welcome to the first official blog post of runs with scissors.

i started this blog because i wanted a place where i could keep all the amazing tutorials that i am always finding and also be able to share them with all of you.

so far, there are over 200 tutorials that you can access. take a look around, and i promise you'll find something you just can't live without!

to kick off the site, i thought i'd feature a couple of my favorite tutorials. here we go...

i just about died when i saw this wreath. isn't it just beautiful? i couldn't believe my eyes when it said that it was made out of butcher paper. it pretty much sums up what i picture when i think of spring. its gorgeous!

{courtesy of alisa burke}


mealtime with kids can be quite the messy experience. especially if they refuse to keep their bib on and keep pulling it off. i may or may not be referring to a certain child of mine! but problem solved with this tutorial. the bapron {bib/apron. get it?}, hooks under and over the arms so the little rascal can't take it off. genius i tell you, genus!

 {courtesy of craftiness is not optional}


i can't wait till i can find the time to make this floor cushion. its a land of nod knock off and beyond adorable. a great addition to any living area or bedroom even.
{courtesy of living with punks}


don't you just want to snuggle up with one of these whale softies? i know i do! my girls would love these!
whale softies 
{courtesy of craftiness is not optional}


and last but not least, one of the sweetest headbands i've ever seen. what is it about a simple bow that just makes your heart melt? the tutorial comes in adult or child sizes!
{courtesy of ruffles and stuff}


like what you see? i hope so... and i hope you'll keep coming back to see more. but until then, do me a favor and go get crafty!

{ feel free to grab my button on the right or link to the site ;) }


  1. I'm so excited! The site looks great! I love love love it! Its awesome to have one place to go and look for something because I can't tell you how much time I have spent searching for tutorials!

  2. this looks amazing!! i can't wait...i'm running late somewhere because of course i had to stop and look...but am looking forward to some quiet mommy time when i can browse more tonight!! thanks for all the hard work on our behalf!
