
wall art overload

i'm always on the hunt for easy and inexpensive ways to liven up our walls.

check it out...


procrastinate much?

i know i do! so just in case you're anything like me and still need some last minute halloween costume ideas... here's a few quick and easy ones for children and adults alike!

just put your sweet baby girl in a favorite dress and wig and you're set!

use yarn to create a long wig and a paper bag for the fringed vest. after adding colored glasses, a tie-dye tee, jeans and sandals, your child will be looking chill in this hippie costume.

it's easy to make a costume out of your child's favorite pair of jeans and a flannel shirt with the lumberjack look. just add a cardboard axe, an earflap hat and suspenders to a fake fur and felt beard, and you're ready to go.

go here for a detailed explanation

 garden gnome
grab some boots, a felt hat, and a beard and you're ready to go

  • spa day
  • put on a robe, comfy slipper, clay mask and you're off to the day spa

  • {here are some other really clever ideas that are quick and easy to pull together at the last minute...}

  • * Dress in pink and carry a feather. What are you? Tickled pink.
  • * Wear all black and put a postage stamp (enlarged if possible) on your chest. What are you? Black mail.
  • * Wrap yourself in wrapping paper with a tag: "From: God, To: Women". What are you? God's gift to women.
  • * Attach suger-cubes (or candy) all over yourself. What are you? Sugar-Daddy or Sugar-Momma.
  • * Draw the letter P around the child's eyes. What are you? "Black-Eyed-Peas". Be careful to use safe ink!!!!
  • * Quarter (or preferably enlarged photocopy of one) taped to your back. What are you? A quarter-back.
  • * Black clothes and white face paint? A mime (you can even skip the paint if it is not available).
  • * Make a large colorful name tag. Say things like "I'd like to buy a vowel" or "Oceans of the world for 500". Game show contestant.
  • * Got an old black leather jacket? Hair Gel? Jeans? 50s guy.
  • * Affix one couch cushion to the front of you and one to the back. What are you? The lost TV remote.
  • * Wear all white. Attach (or paint) yellow circle to your stomach. You are an egg. Add horns and a pitchfork and you are a deviled egg.
  • * Put a pillow on your belly. What are you? Pregnant.
  • * Cowboy hat, boots, corduroy? Instant cowboy.
  • * Bridal gown and sneakers? What are you? Runaway bride.
  • * Paint one finger gold. What are you? Gold finger.
  • * Dress normally. Pin some socks, dryer sheets, hand towels to your shirt. Static cling.
  • * Catcher's glove, loaf of rye bread. Attach the bread to you, wear the glove. Catcher in the rye.
  • * Wear a t-shirt with a large ? (question mark) on it. Tape popcorn to it. What are you? A pop quiz.
  • * Get some cat and dog stuffed animals. Use double sided tape or string to attach to an umbrella. Its raining cats and dogs.
  • * Dress in a nice suit. Attach legal documents to yourself. What are you? A law suit.
  • * Black jacket and black pants. (a) Add a beard and top hat and copy of the Gettysburg Address and you are Abraham Lincoln. (b) Add dark glasses and slick back your hair and you are "Men in Black." (helps to have a friend to dress with!). (c) Add a hat and you are a "Blues Brother." (d) If you have a white color, you can be a priest.
  • * Find a toy airplane. When asked what you are, hold it in your hand. An aircraft carrier.
  • * Put a pillow on your back under your shirt. What are you? Quasimodo!
  • * Put a sign that says "Go Ceilings!!!!" on your shirt. What are you? A Ceiling Fan! Cheer to help the effect.
  • * Attach a muffin to your hat. What are you? The Muffin-Man
  • * Wear normal clothes, make a sign that says "Nudist on Strike!"
  • * Construction Worker Costume: Old shirt, work boots, tool belt, hand tools, work gloves, hard hat, walkie-talkie or some combination
  • * Wear red, white, and blue. Instant American Flag.

  • http://www.halloween.com/halloween-costume-quick-ideas.php
  • 10.11.2011

    oh my word....

    am i actually posting something? its a miracle! i'd like to say that i've been off doing amazing things which is why i couldn't even stop for a a skinny minute to post something, but that would be a total and complete lie. what actually happened was a combination of life and laziness, which led to no posting for months and months. but i'm going to be better. i promise!

    i've been obessing over home decor tutorials lately. here's a few of my latest faves: