
oh my word....

am i actually posting something? its a miracle! i'd like to say that i've been off doing amazing things which is why i couldn't even stop for a a skinny minute to post something, but that would be a total and complete lie. what actually happened was a combination of life and laziness, which led to no posting for months and months. but i'm going to be better. i promise!

i've been obessing over home decor tutorials lately. here's a few of my latest faves:


  1. You're amazing. I didn't even realize you had this crafty side back in the day... like 10 years. We were almost freshman 10 years ago. right? maybe 8. So I'm dying to talk about t-w-i-n-s. I have no one close to me to ask the first question. Can I get your phone number and give you a call? I look forward to doing so...

  2. I'd LOVE to chat twins with you Mary Martha! My number is 801.735.2924.
